ASCs Impact on Cardiovascular Care for Patients & Physicians

The Impact of ASCs on Cardiovascular Care for Patients and Physicians

Healthcare leaders are bracing for a significant shift in cardiac care. By the mid-2020s, it’s being projected that 33 percent of cardiology procedures will be performed in ASCs (Ambulatory Surgery Centers) — a 23 percent increase from 2018. This trend undoubtedly means a learning curve for physicians, payers, and patients alike, but it also brings significant opportunities for financial growth. In this article, we will explore the driving factors and benefits of shifting inpatient cardiovascular care to Ambulatory Surgery Centers, cardiac treatments and procedures being performed in ASCs, and patient and physician perceptions of care.

Driving Factors and Benefits of Shifting Inpatient Cardiovascular Care to Ambulatory Surgery Centers

There are several driving factors for the shift in cardiovascular care from inpatient settings to ASCs. First and foremost, this shift is occurring due to the need to reduce healthcare costs. Ambulatory Surgery Centers typically have lower overheads, therefore costing compared to hospitals, is making them a more cost-effective option for healthcare providers. Additionally, ASCs have been proven to be a safe and effective alternative to traditional hospital-based care. Studies have shown that patients who receive care in ASCs experience fewer complications, have shorter hospital stays, and recover more quickly.

Another factor driving the shift is the increasing demand for cardiovascular care. As we age and chronic disease become more prevalent, the demand for cardiovascular care will continue to grow. ASCs can help meet this demand by providing a more convenient and accessible option for patients.

In addition to cost savings and increased access, shifting cardiovascular care to Ambulatory Surgery Centers can also lead to improved quality of care. ASCs focus is solely on outpatient procedures; therefore, providing a more streamlined and efficient experience for patients. Thus, leading to improved patient satisfaction and outcomes.

Cardiac Treatments and Procedures Being Performed in ASCs

ASCs are capable of providing a wide range of cardiac treatments and procedures. Some of the most commonly performed procedures include cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology studies, and pacemaker implantation. These procedures can be performed safely and effectively in the outpatient setting, with patients typically going home the same day.

One of the benefits of performing cardiac procedures in Ambulatory Surgery Centers is the ability to use advanced technologies. ASCs are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, allowing physicians to perform complex procedures with greater precision and accuracy. Additionally, ASCs offer a more personalized approach to care, with smaller patient volumes and more individual attention.

Patient and Physician Perceptions of Care

As the shift towards ASCs continues, it’s important to consider the perceptions of both patients and physicians. Patients may be hesitant to receive care in an outpatient setting, particularly if they have a history of heart disease or other serious health conditions. However, studies show that patient satisfaction with ASC care is high, with patients reporting positive experiences and outcomes.

Physicians may also be hesitant to perform complex cardiac procedures in Ambulatory Surgery Centers. However, with the right training and resources, ASCs can provide a safe and effective option for patients. Additionally, many physicians have reported greater job satisfaction when working in an outpatient setting, citing the ability to provide more personalized care and build stronger relationships with patients.

In conclusion, the shift towards ASCs for cardiovascular care is a significant trend expected to continue in the coming years. By providing a more cost-effective, accessible, and streamlined approach to care, ASCs can help meet the growing demand for cardiovascular services. While there may be a learning curve for physicians, payers, and patients, the benefits of this shift are clear. We encourage healthcare providers to stay informed about this trend and consider the potential benefits of incorporating ASCs into their cardiovascular care strategy.

Surgeons – Make the Switch to an ASC Today

Through quality care, strict compliance, and the utmost professionalism, the surgery center aims to be the premier ambulatory surgery center in South Florida. South Florida’s premier same day ambulatory surgery center strives to recruit, train, and retain the most qualified physicians, nurses, and support staff that meet industry standards of excellence. Plus, we are committed to continuous quality patient care by remaining up to date with the latest research, technology, and treatments. So Flo Same Day outpatient center offers innovative healthcare by providing practical and cost-effective surgical procedures.

South Florida Same Day Surgery Center serves Pompano Beach and South Florida, offering state-of-the-art ambulatory outpatient surgical services. If you are a surgeon considering a move to an ASC, evaluate the specific needs of your practice and patients. South Florida Same Day Surgery Center is a state-of-the-art facility with specialized staff and lower costs. Visit our new office located in Pompano Beach, Florida, and join our outpatient center. We are actively searching for new surgeons. If you are interested in scheduling your surgery with our outpatient center, please call (954) 532-1160 to speak with one of their skilled administrators.

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